Evidence based

The validated Eforto test consists of 3 test from Eforto are 

1. Muscle strength - maximal grip strength test

Grip strength is recognized as an essential biomarker for assessing overall strength, physical resilience, and vitality. It is indicative of bone mineral density and can signal the risk of fractures, falls, malnutrition, cognitive impairments, depression, sleep disturbances, diabetes, and multimorbidity, thereby affecting overall quality of life. Additionally, it serves as a predictor of all-cause and disease-specific mortality, future functional capacity, bone health, cognitive functions, and mental health. It also provides insights into complications related to hospitalization.

2. Muscle fatigability / strength-endurance - fatigue resistance test

The fatigue resistance test builds upon the maximal grip strength test by not only requiring participants to squeeze as hard as they can but also as long as they can. The test automatically stops when the squeezed pressure drops below 50% of the maximal grip strength. We then calculate the area under the pressure curve which we define as Grip Work. This test, which measures muscle fatigability or strength endurance, is more sensitive and responsive to changes or interventions than the maximal grip strength test, thus making it suitable for evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, tracking progress, and assessing the impact of specific treatments or interventions. 

3. Self perceived fatigue - questionnaire

We evaluate self perceived fatigue based on only 2 short questions.

Combined these test are a biomarker for a person's physical reserves and vitality capacity as defined by the WHO Eforto 

Eforto related publications

The Eforto protocol, its methods and unique bulb form factor, is grounded in scientific and clinical evidence, reflecting our deep commitment to research.

Clinical studies

Ongoing studies

Additional clinical relevance is currently evalueted in the following studies